Monday, November 19, 2007

bagavat Ramanuja against mayaa vadha

bhagavat ramanuja's logic and his razor sharp mind is no where better illustrated than in his works- vedartha sangraha and shree bashaya.
the bedha-a bedha mayaavadin shows an example of how brahmam comes out of mayaa with the example of a man being chased by a tiger in his dream, and once he realises its a dream while dreaming itself, that knowledge liberates his fear. Ramanuja tears that argument with a single line - what if he then thinks that that knowledge is also in his dream, so it might be false &he might get the fear back because that knowledge arised out of his dream which is mayaa.
the hypothesis of mayaavadin requires that the mayaa is external to brahmam and trying to confuse it and brahmam realising it , escapes through knowledge, but then mayaa is not external as per mayavadha and mayaa is brahmams own ignorance.
thus Ramanuja explains that by no means can the mayaa be removed without external help for the unqualified, undifferentiated ignorant brahmam of the mayavadin.

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